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pressure lubrication中文是什么意思

用"pressure lubrication"造句"pressure lubrication"怎么读"pressure lubrication" in a sentence


  • 加压润滑
  • 压力给油润滑法, 强制润滑, 压送式加油
  • 压力润滑法


  • Automatic oil pressure lubrication
  • Standard test method for oxidation characteristics of extreme - pressure lubrication oils
  • An analysis is made of the causes for the occurrence of hydrodynamic pressure lubrication and the conditions for its realization
  • With the co2 compressor as an example , a description is given of the use of hydrodynamic pressure lubrication in actual production , and an analysis is also made of the causes for its discruption and points for attention
  • Taking gear without tooth face invalidation such as agglutination and abrasion as a precondition , and according to the relation between minimal oil film thickness and tooth face roughness of elastic liquid dynamic pressure lubrication theory , viscosity of gear lubrication oil was educed by reliability method in this paper , and the calculation formula has been elicited and applied
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